Monday, March 25, 2013

Mission Completed

Hey!!! I finally finished my first story on Quotev!!!! I'm so proud.

#3 - Nobody needs cupid at XxxxX. She's unwanted and useless there. Cupid dislikes XxxxX too, everything just works out for people there, no hard work required. She on the other hand had to work so hard, it hurts her. She had already given up too much there. It damages her but XxxxX is a heartless place, there's no pity or compassion for her. She's just gotta bear with it. Even with broken wings , Cupid still ventures the earth on foot hoping to find hope in the deserted wasteland.

Sunday, March 24, 2013


So I made this special quote thing today and I'm kinda proud of it. I like it, it's a little long but still...

#2 - So let's see where do I begin? I have a Spanish Family Project but it doesn't have to our biological family so I'm using my dysfunctional family instead. I really miss them and I saw one of them the other day. He told me I didn't change. I like that. I really miss the good times I had with them. Not to mention I also miss going to sweet endings. Man they have good frozen yogurt. Sometimes I just crave for it then remember I can't go there anymore.


Hey let a girl have some time credits, I just have to fangirl over Ikuto. He's perfection <3

So anyways I read over my confessions today. Hehehe made me want to delete them but I'm a total stranger on here so I can release the secrets I keep here.

#1- Everything here reminds me of a certain someone 'friend' I have. Makes me miss the times we used to talk. We still talk now but not as much as before. Best thing about him is that he's funny or he tries :) Now we mostly talk about anime its kinda sad and lonely. :'')