"Oh yeah, I have friends but mostly I have acquaintances."
And I go through the day thinking:
"I hate you and you and you. Oh and most def. you and her and him and that person over there too."
"I hate you and you and you. Oh and most def. you and her and him and that person over there too."
And then I'm stumped and I go:
"Ugh, time to go ask others for help."
Contacting acquaintances time:
"Ugh, time to go ask others for help."
Contacting acquaintances time:
"Good friend, mind helping me with ______?"
Yeah and you know the rest of the story. Then repeat.
Question of the day:
How's life?
A: Ha, you should know by now.
Question of the day:
How's life?
A: Ha, you should know by now.