Monday, October 28, 2013

Overprotective Brothers!!!

Hey! Yeah I haven't posted here in forever. I've been dead lately. How are you guys? So wassup? Right, I'm gonna hit on the topic of overprotective brothers. No hate! Anyways to be honest I don't a legit overprotective brother, just a friend that acts close to a brother. He is a sarcastic bastard but he's one of a kind. A friend of a friend comes and talks to me. (Tbh: it was kinda creepy) But to get to the point my "brother" flipped out and called him a pimp and said that he was thirsty. Lol awkward yea... I thought it was kinda funny in a sweet way I guess. Yea, so Anyways Just Blogging. Byeee!!!!

Question of the Day:
How's school?

A: Completely and utterly draining. I'm not physically affected but I feel like its mental torture.

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