Sunday, April 7, 2013

Day 5 - Um... I got nothing.

So I really should be working on updating my fanfics but I decided to finish this today first. Okay so let's see, today I went to some noodle shop, the food was okayish. Then we went shopping and my dad finally decided to buy me a compass which he told me he'd buy last year. -_- Not even sure if I need a compass anymore but oh well, never reject free things unless they're dark sided . xD

Anime: Pokemon

#8 - Never give up on yourself, no matter how bad it might seem. The least you can do is try right? I put effort in a lot of things I did today like baseball, ugh sports right? I was forced to participate in gym today but I tried and got a home run, ugh running right? And the Chem test I thought I would totally fail wasn't as bad as I imagined and I tried,the whole time I thought to myself 'Ugh I'm totally gonna regret this!! Why am I still going on with this?? God, save me!! Help me!! I guess trying helped me improve my confidence. Never give up because you will never be certain what might happen if you never try.

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