Monday, April 8, 2013

Day 6 - Um. No. Really. No. Just. No.

So like today typical then people just keep bothering me about why I hate my arch rival. Well I tell ya. He flat out insults me. I was having a nice conversation with my friends then he suddenly pops up and goes 'wait, you're in Geo. H but how? You're so stupid.' And I'm just like am I supposed to respond to that ignorant comment of his? These people from XxxxX are so thick I swear, I mean I don't have the time and patience to deal with people like that. Everyone else is like just give him a chance and be friends, he's a cool guy. Um. No, I don't think so. Some are like 'I think you like him.' Really. No. I don't work like that. Just. No. I can't take it here anymore. No one gets me. At my old school, I could give my friend one look without saying one word and they would know my question. They would answer it before I could even speak. Ugh, people here. I wish I could just go back.

Anime: Black Butler / Kuroshitsuji

#9 - Of only I could break all the promises I made to others and myself, I can break free of this stupid tough girl character I have. Is it wrong for me to weak sometimes? Why can't I just be weak for once? Won't they even give me a chance to start over? To actually be me? Everyone knows me as some happy go lucky, always joking around, care tree tough girl. If I show them negative emotion, it would be too much fro their brains to understand because I was being me and not my outside character, not some fake but the real me. They couldn't understand it so they didn't accept it. I can't just be me, to make sure everything is balanced, I have to be my outside character. I'm not allowed ever to express myself. I have to hide because they can't ever find out. It's too late to show them the real me. It;s too late to tell them the truth. Can't I truly trust someone? Can't I fully tell them my secrets? Maybe one day with an non-existing person but I can foolishly hope till then.

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